85 years of packaging solutions - since 1937
85 years of packaging solutions - since 1937

Paul Shipperly
Regional Service Engineer

Paul has been an integral part of Gordian Strapping for the past 5 years. His primary responsibility is ensuring that Gordian customers are satisfied with their machines, providing prompt breakdown support and service. In addition to his expertise with OMS strapping heads and StraPack machines, Paul also assists with installations and supports other areas of the business when needed.  

What makes Gordian Strapping special for Paul is the excellent service manager and the helpful colleagues he works with. He values the great satisfaction in solving machine breakdowns.

Outside of work, Paul is actively involved in the local football scene and enjoys travelling. His favourite cuisine is Indian, and he recommends reading The Flashman Papers by George MacDonald Fraser.

Associations and accreditations

Copyright © Gordian Strapping Ltd.