85 years of packaging solutions - since 1937
85 years of packaging solutions - since 1937

John Evans
Technical Services Manager

John has worked at Gordian Strapping since 2000. His areas of expertise are Project Managing OMS, PKG, Area Packaging, Unitech Strapping, Wrapping, Bagging Machines, Installations and Commissioning.

John has overall responsibility for the engineering department’s internal administration, whilst also supporting our engineering department Service Manager, Andy Harris, and offering engineers technical support when required.

He enjoys carrying out his responsibilities to the best of his ability, assisting Andy Harris and Richard Ford (Machine Systems Sales Manager for the UK), and the camaraderie with the engineers and people at Basingstoke. The best bit about the job being the people he works closely with.

In his spare time, he enjoys reading, walking, cooking, spending time in the sun and as much time with his grown-up children as possible. John likes home cooking and his all-time favourite dish is an authentic Italian ragu in spaghetti Bolognese and lasagne. He recommends any book by Wilbur Smith.

Associations and accreditations

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