85 years of packaging solutions - since 1937
85 years of packaging solutions - since 1937

Meet Lee: The New Regional Sales Manager for the Southeast

Lee Regional Sales Manager for the Southeast

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At Gordian, we’re so proud of our skilled team and are excited to introduce Lee as our new Regional Sales Manager for the Southeast.

Lee was born and raised in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire (and is still there). He’s married with 2 children and has a Spaniel that keeps them entertained and also drives them mad! Lee brings a wealth of experience and has always been in sales ever since leaving college. Selling a wide range of products from kitchen appliances, packaging and paper to conveyor gearboxes and motors. Having previously enjoyed working in the packaging industry, Lee was drawn to Gordian by the opportunity to work with specialists in the field, especially Gordian’s customers who primarily operate at the end of the packaging line. Lee is keen to engage with operations managers and offer insights on enhancing efficiency.

Outside of work, Lee previously played semi-professional football for Hemel Hempstead Town, now Lee has an FA Level 2 coaching qualification and coaches an under 11s boys football team, where his son also plays. When not on the pitch, Lee enjoys fishing and the occasional game of golf.

To get to know Lee a bit better, we asked him some quick-fire questions:


Cats or Dogs?



Apple or Android?



Football or Rugby?

Football (but a tough choice)


Tea or Coffee?



Bath or Shower?



What's your favourite type of music?



What would be your death row meal?

Mums beef stew


What's your favourite type of eggs?



What's your opinion on pineapple on pizza?

Love it!


Finally, would you rather fight 100 duck-sized humans or 1 human-sized duck?

1 human sized duck

We are delighted to have Lee on board! Please join us in making him feel welcome at Gordian Strapping.

For the latest strapping, wrapping and hooding packaging solutions, contact our experienced team.

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